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  1. Insight – July 2024

    Welcome It’s been an exciting time at TPHC. I am thrilled to launch our first-ever TPHC Annual Impact Report which showcases the breadth of the work we are doing across London and the NHS. The report demonstrates our proven track record in guiding organisations through complex challenges and working in partnership to overcome them. We […]

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  2. Evaluation of the Lived Experience Practitioner Programme at the Healthy London Partnership

    Introduction In March 2021, the Healthy London Partnership commissioned Peer Hub CIC to evaluate their LXP Programme. This report outlines the findings of that evaluation. This report is a business intelligence report: we provide our best answer to the evaluation questions, and focus our attention on recommendations for action and our evidence based rationale. For […]

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  3. After Action Reviews as a continuous quality and patient safety improvement tool

    By Alkmini Petraki, Assistant Director NHS England defines patient safety as the ‘‘avoidance of unintended or unexpected harm to people during the provision of health care.’’ Mistakes in healthcare can lead to potentially life-threatening or life-altering risks to patient safety. As such healthcare providers are tasked with a challenge of the upmost importance – to […]

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  4. Launching TPHC’s first Annual Impact Report for 2023/24

    It’s over 18 months since Healthy London Partnership and Healthcare Consulting came together as one combined team, Transformation Partners in Health and Care, joined by the Digital Productivity team in 2023. I am extremely proud to share our first Annual Impact Report, covering 2023/24, which gives a snapshot of our work as NHS improvement and […]

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  5. Consultation FAQs

    The frequently asked questions on this page were relevant through the period of the consultation. A newer selection of FAQs developed post decision is available on the FAQ page. About the change This section includes information about why things need to change and who is affected by the change. The options This section includes information […]

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  6. Safeguarding people sleeping rough during periods of hot weather – webinar

    This webinar was aimed at outreach teams and frontline staff, day centre staff, hostel providers and local authority rough sleeping managers and leads. This event was delivered jointly by Greater London Authority, London Councils and Transformation Partners in Health and Care (TPHC). View the recording of the webinar below: Agenda Chair: Emma de Zoete (Greater […]

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  7. Launch of a new drop-in clinic offering free bloodborne virus (BBV) testing & health screening to people experiencing homelessness

    A new drop-in clinic has launched at Health E1 Homeless Medical Centre, NEL on 24 April. The clinic offers free BBV testing for HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C, as well as harm minimisation interventions, wound care and liver screening, where possible. The clinic is part of a six month pilot commissioned by NHS England […]

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  8. Primary and community care – Annual Impact Report 2023/24

    We provide expert support for integrated care boards and primary care networks to help them deliver primary care that meets the increasingly complex needs of their residents. Working towards integrated primary care in north east London We provided North East London Integrated Care Board with the evidence it needed to invest multi-year funding in a […]

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