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  1. Insight – July 2024

    Welcome It’s been an exciting time at TPHC. I am thrilled to launch our first-ever TPHC Annual Impact Report which showcases the breadth of the work we are doing across London and the NHS. The report demonstrates our proven track record in guiding organisations through complex challenges and working in partnership to overcome them. We […]

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  2. After Action Reviews as a continuous quality and patient safety improvement tool

    By Alkmini Petraki, Assistant Director NHS England defines patient safety as the ‘‘avoidance of unintended or unexpected harm to people during the provision of health care.’’ Mistakes in healthcare can lead to potentially life-threatening or life-altering risks to patient safety. As such healthcare providers are tasked with a challenge of the upmost importance – to […]

    Read more of: After Action Reviews as a continuous quality and patient safety improvement tool
  3. #AskAboutAsthma 2020 resources

    Blogs Podcasts Podcast 1 – How can community pharmacists improve care for young asthmatics? Podcast 2 – Ask the experts? Podcast 3 – Tertiary asthma care and the new referral protocol Podcast 4 – Asthma Friendly School – a how to guide Podcast 5 – Learning from asthma deaths Podcast 6 – Developing an asthma network Podcast 7  – Air quality and […]

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  4. Helping you get the most out of your stakeholder engagement

    Learn how TPHC’s specialists are guiding our customers through tailored stakeholder engagement, helping them to reach the stakeholders they need to hear and learn from.

    Read more of: Helping you get the most out of your stakeholder engagement
  5. How AI is transforming urgent and emergency care

    By Shaun Crinion, Deputy Head of IUC and Digital programme – TPHC The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the health and care space is a hot topic in 2024. Popping up across agendas at various healthcare conferences, AI’s presence is far wide and its pace is blistering. Within the health and care space, many […]

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  6. Working with Brent PCNs to identify signs of liver cancer earlier

    In October 2023, TPHC began working with colleagues from Harness North and Harness South Primary Care Networks (PCNs) in Brent, north west London, to support their involvement in a 12-month NHS England Liver Case-finding pilot. Around 6,100 people are diagnosed with liver cancer each year and incidences of liver cancer has increased by 50% over […]

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  7. Collaborative leadership – what is it and what are the benefits?

    When leaders work shoulder-to-shoulder with other leaders to accomplish shared goals, often in challenging and complex environments, what they are doing is exercising collaborative leadership. It is a term that has been around a long time and a practice that is fundamental to the success of health and care services, particularly for delivery of patient-centred […]

    Read more of: Collaborative leadership – what is it and what are the benefits?
  8. World Cancer Day 2024: Closing the care gap

    4 February marked World Cancer Day, an annual global campaign calling for equal access to life-saving cancer diagnosis, treatment and care for all. Research commissioned by Macmillan Cancer Support shows that people living with cancer in London report worse experiences of cancer care when compared to other areas of England[1]. This figure is higher still […]

    Read more of: World Cancer Day 2024: Closing the care gap