Legacy programmes

As part of Transformation Partners in Health and Care (TPHC), and working alongside the consulting team, the partnership team leads on a range of programmes and projects in partnership with London’s NHS, London Councils, the Mayor of London, plus other organisations and individuals to address the health and care challenges facing London now and in the future. 

On this page you will find our archive of programmes that we have managed or supported in the past which are either no longer live, or have transferred away from TPHC.

If you are looking for our current programmes view the ‘Our partnerships work’ page.

Children and young people’s physical health

The London children and young people’s programme focused on areas including obesity, diabetes and asthma. This work is now led regionally through NHS England – London’s babies, children and young people’s (BCYP) transformation programme team.

Browse our legacy work here.

TPHC continues to lead the children and young people’s mental health programme for London.

London Estates Delivery Unit

The London Estates Delivery Unit (LEDU) brought together the collective technical and professional expertise of constituent organisations across London to address the NHS estates challenge at a local level.

Health and Care in the Community

The Health and Care in the Community (HCIC) programme is an NHS London Region programme providing leadership, coordination and assurance to support people to live well in the place that’s best for them – where possible their own home.

Transforming Primary Care

The Transforming Primary Care Programme was established to transform London’s experience of primary care. It was originally established to help deliver a new offer for patients with the aim of working with local areas to realise the vision laid out in the London Strategic Commissioning Framework, GP Forward View, Planning Guidance and local primary care strategies. The publication of the Long Term Plan and GP contracts introduced additional areas of focus which were incorporated into the programme.


The Workforce programme was a collaboration with Health Education England to achieve a modern workforce in London. Our work aimed to mitigate existing workforce challenges and ensure new models of care were successfully achieved across London.

Urgent and emergency care

The Urgent and emergency care programme focused on implementing the national vision for urgent and emergency care and closing the gap in mortality rates between weekdays and weekends.