London Estates Delivery Unit
The challenge
We need to ensure that our estate – the buildings we use for health and care across London – is ‘fit for purpose’ now and into the future.
The NHS is one of the largest owners of land and buildings in London, and London has some of the world’s most advanced health and care facilities. Our hospitals occupy around 1,000 acres of land – that’s three times the size of Hyde Park. However, many of our health and care buildings are either in need of repair or are no longer fit for purpose. Unused sites still drain much-needed NHS money in maintenance costs.
Working in partnership
Enabled by the London Health and Care Devolution act, we are working with the London Estates Board and health and care partners to address our estates challenge at a local level.
NHS trusts will be encouraged to make better use of NHS buildings and land, and reinvest back into London’s health and care system, for example, by building better GP surgeries, community services and hospitals. By releasing land, Londoners will be able to build the homes and schools that they need.
Who we are
The London Estates Delivery Unit (LEDU) brings together the collective technical and professional expertise of constituent organisations across London. Responsibility for LEDU sits with Transformation Partners in Health and Care.
The work of the LEDU was referenced in the Government’s response to the Naylor Review.
Our progress
Covid Impact on London’s Primary and Community Care Estate July 2020
Estates Utilisation Roadmap: A guide to optimising London’s health and care estates March 2020