Managing Director
I hope our readers have had a great summer. It’s been a few months since our last edition, which followed the general election and a new Labour government.
Since then, Lord Ara Darzi has published a detailed independent report into the state of the NHS, concluding that it is in a ‘critical condition’, which followed the new Government saying that the NHS needs reform to overcome deep concerns like long waiting times, access to GPs, and challenges in maternity care and mental health. In this new series, our experts at TPHC will be diving into some of the issues highlighted by Lord Darzi, and sharing how we can support efforts to improve patient care.
In this edition of Insight, we feature our first article on the report which looks closely at maternity care and the issues highlighted.
There is certainly change on the horizon, and we embrace this no matter the challenge, and look forward to using our skills and expertise to help transform the NHS from critical condition to a healthy outlook.
Also in this edition:
- On the back of World Mental Health Day, we also share an update on the important work we are doing with Sport England to link physical activity to improving mental health.
- We reflect on the vital role of NHS provider organisations in tackling health inequalities and some of the approaches that can be taken to make lasting change.
And finally, our partnerships programmes continue to deliver coordinated responses to public health issues affecting London’s populations. Thrive LDN is the regional lead for suicide prevention in London and last month joined partners in marking the fifth anniversary of the #ZeroSuicideLDN campaign. The campaign encourages people across the capital to access free, online suicide prevention training. I’ve taken the training and would encourage others to do so and help share it.
The Darzi Diagnosis: new TPHC blog series

The first of our new blog series examines maternity care and the need to address culture issues within the workforce, as highlighted by the Darzi report. It also draws on our experience supporting the CapitalMidwife programme which is helping the maternity system in London to transform the culture for midwives and patients alike.
Read the first blog on maternity care here.
New evaluation highlights Sport England and TPHC recommendations on incorporating physical activity into NHS Talking Therapies services

A survey and recommendations of NHS Talking Therapies services, undertaken by TPHC on behalf of Sport England, has been referenced in a newly published evaluation report by National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health. The evaluation primarily aimed to explore if the incorporation of a physical activity component into psychological treatments in NHS Talking Therapies services led to improvement in mental health outcomes.
How NHS providers can tackle health inequalities

Addressing health inequalities is among the biggest challenges in modern day healthcare. In this blog, TPHC Consultant, Daniel Cox considers how NHS acute trusts are uniquely positioned to address these inequalities and set outs some of the approaches they can take to drive change and help create a more equitable healthcare system.
Five years of #ZeroSuicideLDN campaign

Five years of #ZeroSuicideLDN campaign
On September 10, the Thrive LDN team joined partners across the region to mark World Suicide Prevention Day and the fifth year of the citywide #ZeroSuicideLDN campaign. Launched in 2019 by the Mayor of London, the campaign has now supported more than 415,000 people across the capital to access free, online suicide prevention training.
Developed by the Zero Suicide Alliance, the free, online training takes around 20 minutes to complete and is designed to show how to have a direct and honest conversation about suicide and mental health with friends and family.
Life at TPHC: our inclusion journey

Inclusion is something that matters year-round, and National Inclusion Week was a great opportunity to reflect on our inclusion journey at TPHC and to celebrate all the good being done. This year’s theme was ‘’Impact Matters”.
Read our blog to learn how we are championing inclusion.
Upcoming event: Integrated Care Delivery Forum 2024

The Integrated Care Delivery Forum takes place in London on November 5. The event connects health and care stakeholders for vital debate and networking on the future of integrated care, and rich discussions on best practice and new system transformation models. We’re delighted that members of our senior leadership team will be taking part in panels to share their insights in the Data and Digital Innovation Theatre.
Registration is required and free for the public sector including NHS organisations, local authorities and third sector providers, among others.
Email us on: rf-tr.tphc-communication@nhs.net and let us know if you’re attending.
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