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  1. Working with Brent PCNs to identify signs of liver cancer earlier

    In October 2023, TPHC began working with colleagues from Harness North and Harness South Primary Care Networks (PCNs) in Brent, north west London, to support their involvement in a 12-month NHS England Liver Case-finding pilot. Around 6,100 people are diagnosed with liver cancer each year and incidences of liver cancer has increased by 50% over […]

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  2. After Action Reviews

    What is an After Action Review? After Action Review (AAR) is a highly adaptable and useful approach, originally developed by the US Army. It can be used effectively for learning from positive or challenging actions, for example, a situation where the outcomes fell short of expectations. A Before Action Review (BAR) uses the same techniques […]

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  3. Collaborative leadership – what is it and what are the benefits?

    When leaders work shoulder-to-shoulder with other leaders to accomplish shared goals, often in challenging and complex environments, what they are doing is exercising collaborative leadership. It is a term that has been around a long time and a practice that is fundamental to the success of health and care services, particularly for delivery of patient-centred […]

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  4. TPHC 2023 highlights and achievements

    2023 has been a busy year for us at Transformation Partners in Health and Care. Our work has won awards, been highlighted as good practice in government policy papers, and saved lives through training initiatives such as Thrive London’s Zero Suicide programme. Read a selection of our achievements below. January Great Mental Health Day Thrive […]

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  5. Insight – Thanks for signing up

    Thank you for signing up We’re excited to share our quarterly updates with you. Our emails will come from, for the best chance of you seeing this in your inbox, please add us as a contact to keep our emails out of your spam folder. What next We’ll automatically send you the next quarterly […]

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  6. Insight – TPHC’s quarterly digest

    Insight is the quarterly news digest from Transformation Partners in Health and Care (TPHC), for anyone interested in health and care transformation across England. Who is this for? You may be someone senior in the industry looking for providers that can support you to deliver transformation on a population level, a healthcare professional looking for the […]

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  7. Innovative approach to social care technology a win-win for residents and local authorities  

    Transformation Partners in Health and Care has supported social care innovation that will be key in benefiting residents and reducing pressures on local authorities’ budgets. By making the best use of the scale provided by integrated care systems (ICS), social care technology can be piloted and implemented without the risks for boroughs of going it alone.

    Read more of: Innovative approach to social care technology a win-win for residents and local authorities  
  8. Co-production: Healthcare by the community, for the community

    What is co-production? Co-production plays a crucial role in our work and matters to us at Transformation Partners in Health and Care (TPHC), but what does it mean? Co-production is defined by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) as “working in equal partnership with service users, carers, families and citizens”. A co-productive approach to […]

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  9. Supporting London’s maternity services

    As part of the NHS, we work shoulder-to-shoulder with our clients to transform and improve services for both staff and the people who use NHS services. Nowhere is this truer than our support for CapitalMidwife. Working alongside London’s Chief Midwife and her maternity team, we’ve been helping to create a working environment that ensures the […]

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