Transformation Partners in Health and Care > News and views > Safeguarding people sleeping rough during periods of hot weather – webinar

Safeguarding people sleeping rough during periods of hot weather – webinar

Heatmap of England with green, orange and red shading over a map of England

This webinar was aimed at outreach teams and frontline staff, day centre staff, hostel providers and local authority rough sleeping managers and leads. This event was delivered jointly by Greater London Authority, London Councils and Transformation Partners in Health and Care (TPHC).

View the recording of the webinar below:


Chair: Emma de Zoete (Greater London Authority)

  • Introduction
  • Presentation: ‘Heat and why it matters to health’ – Catherine Pollard and Anita Roche, UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA)
  • Presentation: ‘Recognising signs, symptoms and taking action’ – Prof Al Story, UCLH Find&Treat Service
  • Presentation: ‘Top tips’ to cover operations – Chantelle Gardner, Thames Reach
  • Question & Answer session


Protecting People Sleeping Rough During Hot Weather: Guidance for London (2024)

Supporting individuals during hot weather | Homeless Link

Looking after yourself in a heatwave: health guide | Groundswell