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Mental health providers

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  1. After Action Reviews as a continuous quality and patient safety improvement tool

    By Alkmini Petraki, Assistant Director NHS England defines patient safety as the ‘‘avoidance of unintended or unexpected harm to people during the provision of health care.’’ Mistakes in healthcare can lead to potentially life-threatening or life-altering risks to patient safety. As such healthcare providers are tasked with a challenge of the upmost importance – to […]

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  2. Supporting children and young people’s mental health

    5-11 February is Children’s Mental Health Week: a mental health awareness event that empowers, equips and gives a voice to all children and young people in the UK. Keep reading to learn how TPHC’s pan-London mental health programmes are working to support children and young people in London to stay mentally well. Children and young […]

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  3. Meeting the mental health needs of young people leaving care guidance

    Transformation Partners in Health and Care’s (TPHC) Mental Health Transformation programme has launched new guidance for supporting care experienced young people with their emotional and mental wellbeing. Led by TPHC’s Children and Young People’s Mental Health team, we have worked with young people, as well as partners in NHS Integrated Care Boards (ICBs), local authorities, […]

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  4. New Models of Community Mental Health programme

    What is the New Models of Community Mental Health programme?  The New Models of Community Mental Health (MH) Programme is a London-wide programme that supports all of London’s Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) to change the way that mental health services are delivered in the community so that it is more joined-up, uses whole-population approaches and […]

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