Social Care

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  1. After Action Reviews as a continuous quality and patient safety improvement tool

    By Alkmini Petraki, Assistant Director NHS England defines patient safety as the ‘‘avoidance of unintended or unexpected harm to people during the provision of health care.’’ Mistakes in healthcare can lead to potentially life-threatening or life-altering risks to patient safety. As such healthcare providers are tasked with a challenge of the upmost importance – to […]

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  2. Launching TPHC’s first Annual Impact Report for 2023/24

    It’s over 18 months since Healthy London Partnership and Healthcare Consulting came together as one combined team, Transformation Partners in Health and Care, joined by the Digital Productivity team in 2023. I am extremely proud to share our first Annual Impact Report, covering 2023/24, which gives a snapshot of our work as NHS improvement and […]

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  3. Helping you get the most out of your stakeholder engagement

    Learn how TPHC’s specialists are guiding our customers through tailored stakeholder engagement, helping them to reach the stakeholders they need to hear and learn from.

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  4. How AI is transforming urgent and emergency care

    By Shaun Crinion, Deputy Head of IUC and Digital programme – TPHC The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the health and care space is a hot topic in 2024. Popping up across agendas at various healthcare conferences, AI’s presence is far wide and its pace is blistering. Within the health and care space, many […]

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  5. Meeting the mental health needs of care leavers: full guidance report

    Introduction This guidance document sets out key considerations for local authorities and Integrated Care Boards in commissioning and providing support for young people who are leaving care. For the purpose of this document the young people under consideration are those for whom local authorities have responsibilities under the Children (Leaving Care) Act 2000, as amended […]

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  6. Meeting the mental health needs of young people leaving care guidance

    Transformation Partners in Health and Care’s (TPHC) Mental Health Transformation programme has launched new guidance for supporting care experienced young people with their emotional and mental wellbeing. Led by TPHC’s Children and Young People’s Mental Health team, we have worked with young people, as well as partners in NHS Integrated Care Boards (ICBs), local authorities, […]

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