Meeting the mental health needs of young people leaving care guidance

Transformation Partners in Health and Care’s (TPHC) Mental Health Transformation programme has launched new guidance for supporting care experienced young people with their emotional and mental wellbeing.
Led by TPHC’s Children and Young People’s Mental Health team, we have worked with young people, as well as partners in NHS Integrated Care Boards (ICBs), local authorities, London Innovation and Improvement Alliance (LIIA) and specialist therapeutic services supporting care experienced young people in the development of the guidance.
This guidance is for ICBs, local authorities and NHS provider trusts, as well as the voluntary sector.
The recent Independent Review of Children’s Social Care, Stable Homes Built on Love, identified support with mental health as one of the main priorities for young people.
We know that care experienced young people report higher levels of concern about their mental health. We also know that they struggle to access the help that they need at the right time.
Care Experienced young people who have left the care system often face many challenges such as social isolation, financial hardship and problems with their housing, to name just a few. This places additional pressures on them and their health, but also means that traditional services may not be available or appropriate for their needs.
Our approach
We have used the THRIVE Framework as a basis for this guidance. Care experienced young people need a range of support to help them develop and thrive in their current and future lives.
The guidance also offers examples and case studies from local authorities who have developed dedicated services to support their care experienced young people.