#AskAboutAsthma 2022
The 2023 #AskAboutAsthma campaign will take place from 11 – 17 September. Visit the 2023 campaign page for more information about this year’s theme and how you can get involved.
#AskAboutAsthma is an annual campaign which highlights the simple changes to children and young people’s care that will make a big difference to how they experience their asthma. Led by NHS England – London’s Babies, Children and Young People programme, the aim is for every person involved in the care of a child or young person with asthma – from GPs and nurses to parents/carers, teachers and youth group leaders – to know about the four asks that can help every person to manage their condition and live full, active lives. For 2022, the campaign week took place between 3-9 October with brand new content released each day, a virtual flagship conference, information sharing on social media and in local communities led by partners and local teams across the country. Scroll down to find highlights from the week.
Browse this page or jump to:
- Campaign aims
- Campaign theme
- Campaign week highlights and daily content
- #AAA evaluation slides final (all regions)

#AskAboutAsthma 2022 campaign aims
As part of the #AskAboutAsthma campaign, we want everyone involved in the care of children and young people with asthma to be even more prepared for week 38 – the week where nationally there is a rise in asthma attacks following the return to school after the summer holidays. By sharing learning, resources and key information, we can help even more children and young people to ask about asthma and get the right care in place.
The #AskAboutAsthma campaign encourages children and young people, their families, and those involved in their care, to ensure four simple and effective measures to help them control their asthma:
1. Get an asthma action plan in place
A written asthma action plan drawn up between a clinician and patient means people are four times less likely to have to go to hospital for their asthma.
2. Understand how to use inhalers correctly
Less than three-quarters of children and young people have any form of instruction in how to use their inhaler. Poor inhaler technique means patients don’t get the full benefit of their asthma medication.
3. Schedule an asthma review – every year and after every attack
An asthma review by an appropriately trained clinician after every attack helps to work out what went wrong. An annual review ensures effective management of the condition.
And for 2022, we’ve added a fourth ask:
4. Consider air quality and its impact on lung health
We want to ensure that every asthma conversation considers the impact of outdoor and indoor air pollution on children and young people’s asthma.
Campaign theme
This year we highlighted the challenges caused by inequalities in care for children and young people with asthma and how they can be addressed. Did you see our themed hashtag #asthmacareforallon social media during the week?
Campaign week highlights
During the campaign week, we released brand new daily content including podcasts, blogs and videos which you can find below. You can also see the full schedule of content and virtual events here..
Monday 3 October – children, young people and families/carers day
How asthma has affected me throughout my life
By Robert Adoo Kissi-Debrah
How Mums for Lungs are campaigning to improve air pollution
By Ruth Fitzharris, Mums for Lungs
What is asthma and how can young people manage it?
By Robert Adoo Kissi-Debrah, young person and supporter
Five tips on reducing exposure to indoor allergens
By Catherine Sutton, parent and founder of Airborne Allergy Action
Moving on asthma – helping teens to transition to adult services with Nicki Barker and Moira Gibbons. Moving on Asthma is a resource for young people living with asthma, developed by the Respiratory Research Team at Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust.
Webinar: Ask the experts – watch here and view slides here
Tuesday 4 October – nurses day
Taking control of my own asthma management by Olivia Fulton, expert by experience
Challenges, struggles and helpful tips on setting up asthma friendly schools in Camden by Sammy Ndlovu-Dawika, Paediatric respiratory nurse at Royal Free London
Missed asthma reviews and appointments – how to ensure families don’t slip through the net by Cloe Smith, children’s community asthma nurse in Newham
Why become an asthma champion by Jo Massey and Jakki Sutherland from the Croydon Children’s Asthma Team
Webinar: How nurses can help address health inequalities in asthma care – watch here and view or download slides here
Wednesday 5 October – pharmacy day
High-risk reviews and mentoring pharmacy support to improve care for children and young people with asthma in North West London by Darush Attar-Zadeh – Respiratory Pharmacist and part of the children and young people’s network in northwest London, and Alison Summerfield – Paediatric Nurse Consultant working with the NWL CYP asthma network
Greener asthma treatment – a golden opportunity or a red flag? – PaediatricFOAM by Dr Seb Gray
Do you know when your inhaler is empty? By Prasad Nagakumar, Paediatric Respiratory Consultant, Birmingham Children’s Hospital
Highlighting the role of pharmacy across asthma care with Raj Matharu, Darush Attar-Zadeh, and Sukeshi Makhecha
Webinar: How pharmacy can improve equitable access to asthma care – watch here and view or download slides here
Thursday 6 October – conference day
Blog: The latest on the #RightInhalerImage campaign by Viv Marsh and Sara Nelson (RN/GN), NHS England – London
Video: What should clinicians know about health inequalities in asthma by Ian Sinha, Alder Hay Children’s Hospital
Video: Digital Health Passports – how they can help manage asthma by Dr Greg Burch
Video: Vaping – not safe, not harmless – by Dr Seb Gray
Podcasts: Ensuring every CYP is treated by an appropriately trained clinician with Oliver Anglin, NHS England – London and Jennifer Townshend, NHS England
Conference recording: watch the full recording here, view or download the full deck of presentation slides here and see the lunchtime rolling deck of slides here.
Friday 7 October – primary care day
Blog: How a Digital Health Passport can support your asthma management by Greg Burch, Tiny Medical Apps
Podcast: Mart therapy for asthma symptoms – what it is and how it works with Louise Fleming, Royal Brompton Hospital and Imperial College provides
Video: Making Preventable – a short film about asthma
Video: Vaping – not safe, not harmless – by Dr Seb Gray
Webinar: Children & young people’s asthma update for primary care – watch here and view or download slides here
Saturday 8 October – whole-systems day
Blog: Improving accessibility to asthma services in Norwich through school-based reviews by OneNorwich Practices
Blog: What the Haringey public health team are doing to support children with asthma by Haringey’s Public Health team
Podcast: Implementing an NWL-wide asthma guideline
Podcast: Transforming asthma care in the North East and North Cumbria
Video: Why we need to consider a child or young person’s environment as part of their asthma management by Aishah Farooq, NHS England Youth Forum member and patient public voice partner for NHS England’s children and young people’s transformation programme asthma workstream
Presentation: the benefits of setting up an asthma-friendly schools initiative shared by Heather Robinson
Sunday 9 October – air quality day
Blog: Making the invisible visible – where health meets housing by Melanie Pilling, Torus Foundation and Douglas Booker, NIHR Applied Research Collaboration
Blog: Tackling Air Pollution At School by Kat Roberts, Tackling Air Pollution At School (TAPAS)
Podcast: How London is addressing air pollution to help children & young people with asthma with Shirley Rodrigues, Deputy Mayor for environment and energy in London, and Dr Gary Fuller, Air Pollution Scientist at Imperial College London
Video: How can clinicians bring air pollution into the asthma management conversation? With Professor Jonathan Grigg, Academic Paediatrician at Queen Mary University of London,
Get involved
We want everyone to get involved in this campaign. Download the updated 2022 campaign communications toolkit which contains social media graphics and messaging, a poster and suggested copy for newsletters and emails. This generic toolkit can be used by supporters to share the campaign locally.
You can also view additional toolkits from the menu below for tailored messaging and campaign assets to promote the campaign across settings including schools, GP practices and youth organisations. Download as many toolkits as you like and help spread the word!
Scroll down and you’ll also find information and links to register to attend the themed webinars and one-day conference which will take place during the campaign week.
Download our communications toolkits for tailored audiences
See our asthma care page for children, young people and their supporters for practical tips on getting the right asthma management in place.
Contact us
To learn more about getting involved, contact: england.cyptransformationldn@nhs.net.
Join the mailing list to hear the latest news and updates on #AskAboutAsthma and other London region CYP asthma updates.