Kicking off the #AskAboutAsthma campaign
2017 campaign
In 2017 and 2018 we asked people to make a pledge to improve the treatment and management of asthma in children and young people. We asked citizens to help support children and young people with asthma by making a #MyAsthmaPledge. Small steps improve lives – an asthma plan, annual review and help with inhalers. help manage and improve the treatment of asthma and wheeze.
You can read more about last year’s campaign below:
Organisational asthma pledge
By signing the pledge, this represents an agreement from those in key system leadership positions within organisations to implement simple measures to improve care and management of children and young people with asthma.
This includes reducing their organisational contribution to air pollution. It is part of a wider Ask About Asthma campaign that aims to ensure that existing asthma standards and ambitions are met across London and that no more children die from preventable asthma attacks.
In addition, improving outcomes for asthma is about leadership, accountability and training in every aspect of asthma care. It requires commitment to an integrated approach and outcomes need to be meaningful and based on meeting the asthma standards.
By aligning our efforts, children and young people with asthma and their families would be diagnosed earlier, would receive better management and experience improved quality of life. There would be less illness and fewer deaths associated with asthma, with less burden on the child, family and NHS as a result.
This agreement is aimed at everyone involved in the treatment and management of children and young people:
- GP federations
- Pharmacists
- Secondary care organisations (providing emergency and routine care)
- Specialist care organisations
- Commissioners
- Schools
- Local authorities
- Voluntary sector
We ask these groups to sign a pledge to improve the care and management of children and young people with asthma through supporting and working towards achieving the asthma standards relevant to them.
My asthma pledge
In addition to having organisational pledges, individuals will be showing their support for the campaign by describing their own contribution to improving asthma care through “My Asthma Pledge”. As part of this pledge, we ask those who sign up to agree to reduce their own contribution to air pollution that is a significant contributor to asthma in our city.
We ask those who sign up to agree to reduce their own contribution to the air pollution that is a significant contributor to asthma in our city.
Download a copy of My asthma pledge and tweet a pic of your pledge to @HealthyLDN using #MyAsthmaPledge