Webinars and presentations

Did you miss out on watching any of our webinars or presentation? Catch up here by watching these recordings

World Asthma Day 2022: a morning of learning on children and young people’s asthma

Find the complete slide deck here: World Asthma Day 2022 presentations

Click to watch the full recording.

And view or download responses to popular questions raised during the meeting.

#IPCRG 2021 webinar recordings:

Richard Iles: From large scale data can we identify individual risk factors?


Webinar recordings and slides from #AskAboutAsthma 2021:


Ask About Asthma conference 2021 slides – if you’d like to request the slides for individual presentations, please email england.CYPtransformationLDN@nhs.net to request.


Welcome, introduction and background – Oliver Anglin, Clinical Director for CYP Transformation – NHSE (London) & Clinical Lead for Children and Young People – North Central London CCG​, – Jen Townshend, General and respiratory paediatrician, Great North Children’s Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne, Chief Executive of BEATAsthma​

Patient Voice – our healthcare journey – Aishah Farooq & Haania Hussain, patient and public voice partners at NHS England​

National update – Matthew Clark, National Specialty Advisor for Children and Young People at NHS England

Ensuring effective transition: working with adult respiratory services​ – Louise Fleming, Consultant in Paediatric Respiratory Medicine, Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospital Trust & Clinical Senior Lecturer at Imperial College London

ICS rolling slides

Clinical update – Ian Sinha, Consultant respiratory paediatrician from Alder Hey Children’s Hospital​

BEAT Asthma – working together in the North East and beyond​ – Jen Townshend, General and respiratory paediatrician, Great North Children’s Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne, Chief Executive of BEATAsthma​

Salbutamol: relief or rescue – time to put out the fire? – Louise Fleming, Consultant in Paediatric Respiratory Medicine, Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospital Trust & Clinical Senior Lecturer, National Heart and Lung Institute

What to include in a post – attack review; where and when should it be held?​ – Chin Nwokoro, Chair (Consultant Respiratory Paediatrician and Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer, Barts Health NHS Trust and Queen Mary University of London), Richard Chavasse, Paediatric respiratory consultant, St George’s Hospital London​, Carol Stonham, Respiratory Nurse NHS Gloucestershire CCG, Executive chair PCRS , Oliver Anglin, Clinical Director for CYP Transformation – NHSE (London) & Clinical Lead for Children and Young People – North Central London CCG​


Webinar recordings and slides from #AskAboutAsthma 2020

Role of pharmacy for children and young people’s asthma during Covid, 14 Sept 2020

Raj Matharu – Welcome, context and vision: incorporating pharmacy into acute/elective teams

Bipin Patel – Joining up primary and community asthma care: Bexley CYP inhaler pilot

A film about the Bexley Pharmacy pilot, which aimed to provide pharmacists with an online tool to review patients with asthma from 5 to 25 years old.

Darush Attar – Responding to Covid-19: remote inhaler technique training

Marsha Alter – Looking to the future: what do patients want from their pharmacists and how technology can improve care

Webinar Slides

Supporting the older child: transition to adult care and the relationship between anxiety and asthma, 15 Sept 2020

Sam Prigmore & Fran Beresford – Transition to adult care

Webinar Slides

AskAboutAsthma 2020 – In the time of Covid-19, 16 Sept 2020

Virtual Conference – AskAboutAsthma in the time of Covid-19

Webinar Slides

How specialist nurses can support 3 asks and improve asthma care across the system, 17 Sept 2020

Tori Hadaway – How specialist nurses can support 3 asks

Webinar Slides

Why is good primary care essential for children and young people’s asthma, 18 Sept 2020

Julia Moody and Ren Lawlor – Why is good primary care essential

Webinar Slides

Webinar one: Transforming care across the system: asthma toolkit for children and young people – Sara Nelson and Richard Iles

Webinar two: The role of community pharmacy in asthma management – Donal Markey, Richard Goodwin and Finlay Royle

Webinar three: The Asthma Life Improver Score improving outcomes for families living with asthma – Georgina Craig and questions

Webinar four: severe asthma Dr Louise Fleming and questions

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