
Health Education England have accredited an online learning programme for Social Prescribing Link Workers.

The first 6 introductory sessions were launched in 2019/20 and will take around 3 hours to complete:

  1. Introduction to the social prescribing link worker role
  2. Developing personalised care and support plans with people
  3. Developing partnerships
  4. Introducing people to community groups and VCSE organisations
  5. Safeguarding vulnerable people
  6. Keeping records and measuring impact

In 2021, we will add 3 further sessions:
Available now:

To follow:

  • Social welfare, legal support and money guidance
  • Supporting children and young people through social prescribing

Here you will find a wide range of recorded to training sessions that have been hosted by Healthy London Partnership, Bromley by Bow Centre and NHS England & Improvement.

For further training and webinars hosted by Bromley by Bow Centre please visit their website