Place 2 Be
Place2Be are a leading mental health charity for children who have concentrated on providing services within schools.
They provide direct work with individual children and groups of children. Where their staff are present within schools they will offer consultation with school staff. They can also offer support to parents and training to staff and for young people.
Pace2be offer a range of packages. They are either individually commissioned by schools or in some authorities there is a part-funded arrangement. There is an available package, Pace2talk, which offers support to relevant staff. There are also a range of resources available to support greater understanding of mental health issues for pupils, parents and staff.
Beat Eating Disorders
Eating disorders can affect anyone of any age and children are a particularly vulnerable group. School staff are ideally placed to spot the early signs of an eating disorder and potential factors in an eating disorder’s development, such as trouble with peers and academic pressure.
Training courses for schools are designed to enable staff help pupils into treatment quickly.
Curly Hair Project
The Curly Hair Project (CHP) is an award-winning social enterprise founded by autistic author and entrepreneur Alis Rowe. CHP resources are used by individuals, families and professionals worldwide.