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Personalised Care Interventions: Rapid Evidence Review (diabetes, MSK & COPD)

Personalised care is one of the five major, practical changes for the NHS as set out in the NHS Long Term Plan rolling out personalised care interventions to reach 2.5 million people by 2023/24 with the aim to embed this as business as usual in local health systems for health care. The comprehensive model of personalised care sets out six evidence based components or programmes, each of which is defined by a standard set of practices:

  • Shared decision making
  • Personalised care and support planning
  • Enabling choice, including legal rights to choice
  • Social prescribing and community-based support
  • Supported self-management 
  • Personal health budgets and integrated personal budgets

Establishing and maintaining the evidence base

As with all important policies, it is crucial to establish and maintain the evidence base for the interventions prescribed. Much research has been undertaken into the effectiveness of personalised care, but a need has been identified to add to this. While previous evidence reviews have been undertaken, there are gaps, mostly regarding the evidence around the impact on system utilisation, such as hospitalisation, use of A&E and GP appointments. 

2023 Personalised care evidence base review

The NHS England Evidence task and finish group commissioned a review of the personalised care evidence base, specifically to cover three key condition areas (diabetes, musculoskeletal (MSK) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)), with a focus on literature in three areas:

  1. strong evidence base
  2. a key role in improving health, and
  3. impact to current priorities 

The aim of the review is to outline the breadth and depth of evidence to support the deployment of personalised care interventions to reduce healthcare utilisation in all parts of the healthcare system.

This work was completed in March 2023 and is now available for systems to use.

Download the review and summaries

Full Report – with appendices

Executive Summary

Summary for System Leaders

Summary tables for high-impact interventions

Additional resources

Contacting the team

If you want to know more about the review or its findings, or have comments, please email Johhanne Fewell, Senior Manager Personalised Care at

Rapid Evidence Review 2023 (diabetes, MSK & COPD)

Additional resources