Find podcasts and webinars produced by Transformation Partners in Health and Care’s (TPHC) Homeless Health programme team and partners in London, sharing insights and the latest work developments in homeless health from colleagues across health, housing and the third-sector.
Find more content on our homeless health learning and resources page.
London Health Podcast episodes on homelessness
The TPHC Homeless Health team is hosting a new podcast series for the London Health Podcast to help debunk myths about homelessness and homeless health through minimal jargon and honest conversations.
This series is open to all: for health and care workers who don’t always work with people experiencing homelessness, individuals and teams providing homelessness support, and for anyone else out there who wants to learn a bit more about homeless health.
Public Health Voices Webinar Series
The UCL Health of the Public team hosted a webinar series themed around public health voices. In the ‘Everyone In: Citizen Voice in Inclusion Health’ webinar, inclusion health experts discussed the importance and value of involving people with lived experience of social exclusion and how this is key to designing effective interventions and solutions.
Homeless Link online training and webinars
Homeless Link’s national, regional and online training and events are an opportunity to network with other homelessness professionals – share knowledge and experience, find solutions and develop expertise within the sector.
Local Government Association webinars
As part of the Out of Hospital Care (OOHC) Models Programme, the Local Government Association (LGA) are holding webinars around OOHC and housing every fortnight until the end of January.
Presentations from previous webinars are linked below.
Housing and accommodation: maximising local opportunities and resources (30 November)
- Overview
- North West London homelessness hospital discharge protocol
- Brighton & Hove homelessness step down and step away model
Engagement through and with emergency department Teams: what works well? (16 November)
- NHSEI UEC 10 Point Recovery Plan – Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Presentation 20211115
- Oxfordshire OOHC ED Engagement Nov 2021 003
- Useful links
Step-down and onwards accommodation: good practice models and resources (14 December)
- Slide deck
- Helpful Resources
- For further information regarding the Out of Hospital Care Models Programme can be found on NHS Futures.
Developing the evidence base (11 January)
- Systems change and sustainability: what we’ve learned so far
- Evidencing the impact of personalised and integrated care
- Evaluation of the Out-of-Hospital Care Models Programme for people experiencing homelessness
Discharge from acute mental health settings (25 January)
- Brighton and Hove City Council MH discharge presentation
- Supporting discharges out of Mental Health hospitals in Oxfordshire
We welcome feedback on the resource and will update it from time to time. If you have any comments please the Homeless Health team.