Case studies and useful documents
Creating Positive Health and Wellbeing Environments
Developing services
Case study: SLaM Rest and Recharge Hubs
Case study: South West London Hub
Developing positive health and wellbeing services
South West London support for staff
Creating organisational cultures that foster psychological care
Developing links
Case study: SLaM – Linking Psychologists and BME networks
Promoting Psychological Services
Case study: Greater Manchester resilience hub
Chaplaincy support
Case study: Kingston Hospital chaplaincy service
Mentoring and coaching for inclusion
Case study: Coaching for Inclusion Programme
Facilitating Teams Support
Peer support
Case study: North West London – Keeping Well – Check in and out
Case study: North West London – Keeping Well Conversation Cafes (CC)
Case study: West London Trust – Reflective Practice
Case study: SLaM Buddy Systems
Support for team leaders
Case study: SLaM rest and recharge hubs
Providing accessible & effective psychological support and interventions
Major incidents
Health and Wellbeing services
- NWL Keeping Well service
- Manchester Working Well
Assurance of confidentiality
Case study: Manchester Working Well
Case study: NWL keeping well confidentiality processes and procedure
Access psychological interventions
Identify proactively
Case study: Greater Manchester Covid-19 Wellbeing Screening
Evaluation and improvements
Staff engagement and outcomes
Case study: Evaluation of London Terrorist Incident response
Case study – SLaM support for care home staff