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  1. Homeless health podcasts and webinars

    Find podcasts and webinars produced by Transformation Partners in Health and Care’s (TPHC) Homeless Health programme team and partners in London, sharing insights and the latest work developments in homeless health from colleagues across health, housing and the third-sector. Find more content on our homeless health learning and resources page. London Health Podcast episodes on […]

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  2. London Health Podcast

    The London Health Podcast looks to tackle specific issues affecting health and care, so that we can make London the world’s healthiest city. Latest episode Transformation Partners in Health and Care · #AskAboutAsthma: Clean Air Clinics Jump to playlist #AskAboutAsthma The #AskAboutAsthma campaign encourages children and young people, their families, and those involved in their […]

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  3. HLP’s London Health Podcast launch edition tackles homeless health and hospital discharge

    The Healthy London Partnership launches the ‘The London Health Podcast’ today, with homeless health and challenges around NHS hospital discharge the theme for this month’s episode. Length of stay for homeless people are around three times longer and around 70% of rough sleepers are discharged back onto the street, further damaging their health and costing the […]

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