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  1. Working together on asthma

    Pharmacists are an accessible and expert source of useful help and information for young people with asthma and their families. This section provides pharmacists in London with guidance and resources to help them improve asthma care, including examples of best practice. See the pharmacy section of our London asthma toolkit for tools and resources for […]

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  2. Minor ailment schemes

    This section of the toolkit provides an introduction to the minor ailment schemes.  Various pharmacies are involved in the minor ailment schemes which allow pharmacies to supply patients with free medication under the NHS. The resources below have been created by the teams at NHS Haringey Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), NHS Enfield CCG, NHS choices, […]

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  3. Pharmacist in GP surgery pilot

    This section of the toolkit will inform you about the ongoing clinical pharmacists’ programme. This project involves pharmacists working in GP surgeries. The pilot aims to relieve GPs of some workload pressures and offer opportunities to the wider primary care workforce. For more information on the pilot and how to get involved, please use the […]

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  4. Sources and more information

    Find information about the e-learning resources listed in this section and more places to find support and training materials. References BMJ: BMJ Learning offers eLearning modules on primary care that are free for members MOOC list: ‘Massive open online courses’ are available directly on the MOOC list website Courses offered via require you register for a free […]

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