Find resources on the page for parents and carers to support themselves and their children and young people during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Resources for your supporting children and young people during the pandemic
Getting back to school
Helping children transition back to nursery
- Anna Freud National Health Centre for families has created a booklet for parents about 8 ways parents and carers can manage the transition back to nursery to make the process as stress free for children as possible.
Preparing for the return to school
- An article by Mental Health Foundation with tips for parents and caregivers – on how to prepare for your child’s return to school.
How teachers are tackling the return to school
- This is a podcast by BBC Bitesize about how teachers are tackling the return to school.
What parents and carers need to know about educational settings
- This is guidance from the Department of Education. It is information for parents/carers about attending schools, nurseries, and colleges in the Spring term 2021.
Supporting children as lockdown eases
- BBC Bitesize article by Dr Cyra Neave (Senior Clinician in the Schools Outreach team at the Anna Freud Cenre) about six ways in which to support your children as lockdown eases.
Translated guidance on supporting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing
- Guidance published by Public Health England for parents and carers on looking after the mental health and wellbeing of children or young people during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Translations available in French, Arabic, Bengali, Gujrati, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Chinese and Urdu.
Supporting with worries about COVID-19
- Advice published on Emerging Minds (research network for children and young people) about how to support children with worries about Covid-19 which includes key resources and general tips on how to manage this.
Helping to cope with stress during the pandemic
- Infographic published by the World Health Organisation on how parents and carers can support children and young people coping with stress due to the pandemic.
Supporting anxiety during the coronavirus pandemic
- BBC Bitesize article for parents and carers, by Vicki Curri (Director of Training Programmes for child mental health professionals at the Anna Freud Centre). This is about 8 ways in which to support your child during this time based on research into childhood anxiety.
Book: My Hero is You
- Free online access to a book published by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Reference Group, for on how kids can fight COVID-19. It is called ‘My Hero is You’ and was developed for and by children around the world.
How to tackle lockdown emotions with Dr Sheila Redfern
- A BBC Podcast where Dr Sheila Redfern (a child and adolescent psychologist treating young people affected by lockdown) answers questions from worried parents and provides advice on how to talk to young people in this uncertain period.
Resources to support your own wellbeing as a parent and carer
What you can do if you feel lonely during the coronavirus outbreak
- Advice from the NHS about 7 ways in which you can help yourself if you are feeling lonely during the coronavirus outbreak.
Translated materials to help with loneliness during the pandemic
- Mental Health Foundation provides some advice on what to do if you are feeling lonely. This is translated into Arabic, French, Farsi, Somalian, Tigrinya, Urdu and Cymraeg.
Managing your wellbeing as a parent during lockdown
- BBC Bitesize article about 5 ways to manage your wellbeing during lockdown.
Advice for expectant and new parents & carers
- Dr Abigail Wright, a member of the DECP Committee, has produced some helpful advice for parents and carers dealing with new babies and young children during this pandemic. She also provides Top tips for protecting parent/carer wellbeing.
What if lockdown has been a relief for my family
- Article on BBC Bitesize By Dr Laura Talbot, Clinical Psychologist at the Anna Freud Centre on understanding the positive changes of lockdown and how to plan for the future.
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