Time4Me – Children’s Bereavement Workbook
BBC education resources for home schooling
Emerging Minds
Supporting children and young people with worries about COVID-19
Department of Education
New national helpline for parents launched
Fun and educational resources for families outside
Suntrap at Home
Fun and educational resources focussed on nature and the environment
Childhood Bereavement Network
Supporting bereaved children and young people
Good Thinking
Advice for parents and carers during coronavirus
Advice for parents and carers of children with autistic spectrum disorder and learning disabilities
Advice for parents and carers supporting children and young people with eating disorders
Advice for parents of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
World Health Organization
Helping Children Cope with stress during the coronavirus outbreak (guidance for parents/carers)
Save the Children
Fun family learning activities
Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families
Mind Heart
Emerging Minds
Supporting children and young people with worries about COVID-19
Place 2 Be
Guide to helping parents answer questions from their children and to support family wellbeing
United Nations
Contact for families with disabled children
For parent or carer with a question about individual circumstances
The British Psychological Society
Talking to children about illness
Parenting while self-isolating and social distancing
UK schools closures – support and advice
Young Minds
Talking to your child about coronavirus
Oak National Academy
The virtual Oak National Academy resource (reception – Year 10)
The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
What to do if your child is unwell – advice to parents during coronavirus
COVID-19 resource pack for parents