The below organisations offer support to help children and young people who have experienced a bereavement. Don’t suffer alone.
Child Bereavement UK – supporting bereaved children and young people
- Child Bereavement UK provide information to help children and young people deal with various emotions when experiencing a bereavement, such as coping with feeling anxious, angry, or stressed. They provide resources such as books and leaflets that children can fill in to understand their feelings better.
Good Thinking – bereavement support and resources
- Good Thinking provide resources on coping with grief and bereavement. Remember there is no right or wrong way to feel, and you are not alone.
Thrive LDN support after sudden bereavement
- Thrive LDN have put together a resource to support you after a sudden bereavement. It includes information about emotions you might be feeling, what might help, and where to get professional support both in London and nationally.
Young Minds – advice with grief and loss
- Young Minds article to help young people deal with grief and loss. This includes information about what grief is, working through various emotions whilst grieving and where you can go to get help.
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