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Healthy London Partnership

Working together to make London the world’s healthiest city

27 November 2018

Welcome to our fortnightly newsletter, where we update you about the partnership and our programmes.

Please share it with your colleagues and encourage them to sign up.

If there is something specific you would like to hear about, please get in touch.



What’s new?

Launching the ‘Next Steps to the Strategic Commissioning Framework – a vision for strengthening general practice’

Healthy London Partnership has published ‘Next Steps to the Strategic Commissioning Framework, a vision for strengthening general practice collaboration’ across London.

Developed in partnership with London CCGs, Londonwide Local Medical Committees and overseen by the Primary Care Clinical Cabinet, the framework provides guidance and resources to support practices to develop high quality larger-scale general practice collaboration in London.

It shares flexible models for developing ways of working together that can be adapted to deliver primary care transformation.

Read the framework
Read Jane Lindo’s blog about working in partnership in NE London

Read Lewisham GPs extended access case study


Dr Jonty Heaversedge, Medical Director for Primary Care at NHS England (London region) shares his vision for how general practice organisations can work collaboratively to achieve greater access to services for patients.



New resource for primary care providers caring for children & young people

Healthy London Partnership’s newly published primary care toolkit is for primary and community care providers involved in caring for children and young people.

The toolkit features pathways for the top paediatric conditions, e-learning modules, information on group consultations, examples of closer working with pharmacy, communications resources, mental health and wellbeing information and more.

Developed in partnership with London’s clinical leads for children and young people, our thanks go out to everyone who contributed the work they’ve been doing to improve children and young people’s primary care.

Access the toolkit



HLP responds to the Mayor’s TfL junk food advert ban

Jemma Gilbert, director of transformation and prevention lead at Healthy London Partnership, has responded to the Mayor of London’s plans to restrict the advertising of unhealthy food and drink on the London transport network from February 2019.

Read our response



Sleepio and Good Thinking integration celebrated as a pioneering NHS innovation

The integration of the digital Cognitive Behavioural Therapy program, Sleepio, into the Good Thinking London digital wellbeing service, has been celebrated alongside some of England’s most pioneering NHS innovations.

The NHS Innovation Accelerator and Bayswater Institute report Understanding how and why the NHS adopts innovation was launched by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock MP, to inform understanding of the adoption and enabling factors that support uptake and embedding of these healthcare solutions within the NHS.

Find out more



NHS mental health care for veterans

Mental illness can affect anyone, including ex-members of the Armed Forces.

You may have patients within your practice who have served in the Armed Forces and could be suffering with mental health issues. Veterans often have unique experiences and needs and it’s important to recognise this and refer them to suitable support.

We want to make you aware that within the NHS there are dedicated mental health services for veterans. The NHS Veterans’ Mental Health Transition, Intervention and Liaison Service (TILS) can be accessed by contacting the service directly or through a GP referral. Those with complex needs may be referred on to the NHS Veterans’ Mental Health Complex Treatment Service (CTS). Londoners can access the TILS service by calling 020 3317 6818 or emailing

We’d appreciate your help in spreading awareness of these resources to patients.

Please share this leaflet




Ahead of World Aids Day 2019 on 1st December, watch our time-lapse film of Londoners pledging to eradicate HIV, part of the London Fast-Track Cities Initiative.










Overwhelming public support for sugar and calorie reduction

A survey from Public Health England has found that around 9 in 10 people support the government working with the food industry to make food healthier.

Find out more

Mayor confirms ban on junk food advertising on transport network

Junk food advertising will be banned on the entire Transport for London (TfL) network from 25 February 2019.

Find out more

NHS Digital survey finds one in eight five to 19 year olds had a mental disorder in 2017

One in eight (12.8%) of children and young people aged between five and 19, surveyed in England in 2017, had a mental disorder according to a major new report published by NHS Digital.

Take a look at the report

VCSE health and wellbeing fund 2019 to 2020

Voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations can apply for funding to run projects focused on improving children and young people’s mental health.

How to apply

Training and events

Mental Health: Multi-agency training in emergency departments

Following the success of our multi-agency Mental Health Act training sessions that took place at each Mental Health Trust in 2017/18, we are offering further bespoke training in Spring 2019 to London’s frontline ED staff. 

Register your interest

Upcoming events








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