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24 October 2018

Healthy London Partnership

Transforming London’s health and care together

Welcome to our fortnightly enews where we update you about our work and share interesting information affecting health and care in London. Please share it with your colleagues and encourage them to sign up.

If you have items you wish to include, or there is something specific you would like to hear about, please get in touch.



Our news

Implementation of e-Referral Service across 23 providers in London

Through recent partnership working between local organisations, NHS England (London region) and NHS Digital, Healthy London Partnership has played an important part in helping London switch off paper referrals from general practice into acute trusts.

Find out more about the successful e-RS rollout



Our response to the King’s Fund report on London’s STPs

Commissioned by the Mayor of London, The King’s Fund to independent review on the progress of London’s STPs  was published on 16 October 2018.

Read our response to the review.



London Choosing Wisely presents pan London commissioning policies to CCGs

In December 2017, London’s CCG Accountable Officers commissioned a series of clinical expert working groups to inform the harmonisation of clinical commissioning policies for a limited number of specific treatments. Known as London Choosing Wisely, the Steering Group has now presented to CCG Accountable Officers the pan London commissioning policies it has developed.

View the commissioning policies

Update from the London Mental Health and Employment Partnership

In its launch publication, Thrive LDN made three key recommendations in relation to employment and mental health in the capital.

Read the update from the partnership to find out more about progress, our latest project and upcoming roundtable.



Testing new ideas to make our high streets healthier



Our Healthy High Streets programme set out to find and test solutions to how we can make high street food healthier.

Find out more about the winning ideas and read the report




Homeless Health toolkit

Conducting a health needs assessment is key to developing and delivering integrated care, and this includes assessing the health needs of people who are, or have been homeless.

Find out how to conduct a homeless health needs assessment with our interactive toolkit designed to support local authorities, clinical commissioning groups, and integrated care systems.



How social prescribing is improving the lives of Londoners

Social Prescribing is all about re-creating the strength of our communities and supporting local and voluntary organisations and groups to thrive, encouraging and helping people to get involved.

Hear more from HLP’s Amelia Howard about what she encountered on her 12 month journey to better understand social prescribing.


What is social prescribing?



See all our latest news, resources and events



In the news




State of child health
The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health report provides a comprehensive list of 25 measures of the health of UK children. These range from specific conditions such as asthma, diabetes and epilepsy, risk factors for poor health such as obesity and a low rate of breastfeeding, to child deaths. The data provide an “across the board” snapshot of child health and wellbeing in the UK.Moving Medicine tool
A new tool from PHE, the Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine and Sport England to help healthcare professionals talk to patients about the benefits of physical activity is now live.Keep antibiotics working
On Monday 23rd October, PHE launched a national campaign ‘Keep Antibiotics Working’ highlighting that taking antibiotics when you don’t need them puts you and your family at risk. To help keep antibiotics working you are urged to always take your doctor or nurse’s advice on antibiotics.The Future of Healthcare: Matt Hancock launches tech vision to build the most advanced health and care system in the world
The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care’s technology vision will be the foundation for a new generation of digital services that will meet the needs of clinicians, patients and managers.Faster access to treatment and new technology for 500,000 patients
The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care has announced £7 million in funding for ‘Test Bed’ projects across England that will help improve patient outcomes and the way NHS staff work. Patients could benefit from faster access to treatment under two new programmes that will identify innovative technologies and treatments, then speed up their uptake across the NHS. A further £2 million will be available for ‘rapid uptake’ products. These are seven proven innovative technologies that help to improve patients’ lives. See more about London-specific projects.Talking about dying
This report  from the Royal College of Physicians seeks to offer advice and support for any doctor on holding conversations with patients much earlier after the diagnosis of a progressive or terminal condition, including frailty.Physical Activity for Disabled Adults: evidence review
This week PHE published an evidence review about the health benefits for disabled adults becoming more active and a new infographic, which you can see below, has been developed on behalf of the four Chief Medical Officers of the UK. Both of these have been developed in collaboration with 350 disabled adults, 10 disability organisations and over 50 health professionals.

Watch out for…



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