…Supporting homeless people this winter
Every homeless person in London is entitled to receive care that is consistent in quality and experience with that of the general population.
We believe that systems which support homeless people should be linked up as much as possible to improve communication and outcomes as people move around the capital.
Health needs assessment
Conducting a health needs assessment is key to developing and delivering integrated care. Local Authorities must do a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment of the health and wellbeing of their local population – this includes assessing health needs of people who are or have been homeless.
Use our London homeless health assessment toolkit
Duty to refer
The Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 introduced a duty on specified public authorities to refer service users who they think may be homeless or threatened with homelessness to local authority homelessness/housing options teams.
The Government’s latest duty to refer guidance is designed for those working in a specified public authority, which is subject to the duty to refer.
See the full duty to refer guidance
See also