Expression of Interest on Support for Catheter Pathway Project across London region
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The opportunity
In England, 90,000 adults live in the community with a long-term In Dwelling Catheter (IDC). Approximately half of these adults with an IDC will experience adverse effects. NHS London and the National CLEAR Programme are offering support to organisations interested in improving local catheter care pathways.
The project will involve linking and analysing acute, community and London Ambulance Service data, to innovate and recommend new models of care and workforce to enhance catheter care in London.
What will the catheter project involve?
Support offer:
The NHSE/I regional lead, together with CLEAR, will support, facilitate, and coordinate the project, which involve stakeholder engagement, cross-organisational data analysis and presenting findings of new models of care/workforce.
- A clinically agreed and enhanced model of care that can enhance and standardise catheter care across London.
- New models that align with the NHS Long Term Plan and support the restoration and recover of NHS services.
- Quick wins that may be implemented during the project with wider, more detailed changes worked up as part of the outputs of the CLEAR programme.
- A system-wide understanding of how changes can be made locally upon the findings of the CLEAR project.
- Extensive report to determine the key improvements required to enhance the quality of the data collected by the system.
- Initial set of analytics to provide insights into how care can be standardised across the system for catheter care.
- Set of recommendations for possible next steps.
Submitting an expression of Interest (EOI)
If you are interested in project support for analysing acute, community and London Ambulance service data to improve catheter care pathways for your patients and organisation, please read and complete all sections of the complete EOI document.
EOIs will need to be submitted by Monday 6 June 2022 by email to and regional lead for the project, Sophia Hashmy