Community Service, Urgent Community Response (UCR) and Restoration
We work with Integrated Care Systems (ICS) to deliver consistent Urgent Community Response services across London.
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How we support Londoners
We work with colleagues across the health and social care systems to deliver UCR services for those in need, by supporting:
- ICS delivery of UCR – in particular falls pick-up services, expanded catheter care service, accepting referrals from care homes and single point access for UCR referrals.
- The whole region to implement UCR 2hr/2day – delivery timeframes to be agreed
- All community services to meet baseline for quality data submission on Community Services Data Set (CSDS). Monitoring data submitted.
How we achieve our goals
We work with a range of partners to deliver urgent community care for Londoners:
- Deliver fortnightly review meetings with relevant ICS/111/999 partners.
- Provide data analysis to encourage increased uptake of UCR services
- Identify and support activities to unblock system challenges to aid increased use of UCR services
- Support piloting of push models to improve referral to and use of UCR services. Collation of learning from push model pilots.
- Develop UCR communications toolkit to improve knowledge and awareness of UCR services across London.
- Utilise the baseline 2hr/2day level from accelerator sites and core set of metrics across region to improve levels of providers submitting to CSDS and the quality and quantity of data submitted across region
- Monitor progress towards the 2hr/2day standard by March 2024 performance data by April 2022.
- Support ICS’ to deliver consistent UCR services, in particular falls pick-up services, expanded catheter care service, accepting referrals from care homes and single point access for UCR referrals.
How we work
We support and deliver a range of regional activities to help ensure that current national Community two-hour UCR response and restoration priorities set out in the Operating Plan (2021/22) are delivered, including:
- Crisis Response Care (within two hours) and Reablement Care (within two days) standards. This includes supporting ICSs to develop UCR services in line with the mandated requirements.
- We work with 111, 999, and Integrated Urgent Care (IUC) to help raise awareness of available services and improve the referral processes for patients and health care professionals. This in turn is designed to deliver admission avoidance to ease pressures on the London Ambulance Service and acute trusts.
- We monitor these headline standards through the legally mandated Community Services Data Set (CSDS) for health care providers.
- We work with colleagues across the system to share learning and resources, undertake analysis and represent the views of systems colleagues in regional and national settings.
- We also support and advise on a range of regional and national community workforce initiatives and wider community/UCR focused meetings.
Who we work with
We work collaboratively with relevant ICS leads commissioners, 111/999 and IUC leads to bring together UCR teams and Ambulance Trusts to build networks and enable collaboration.
We also work with, and liaise between, relevant regional and national community/UCR and community workforce leads.