Antiracism Framework and Fellowship for Ethnic Minority Midwives
Organisations: NHS England & Health Education England
For four years we’ve been working with CapitalMidwife on a range of programmes to apply ‘once for London’ solutions to the challenges faced by over 6,000 midwives who make up the London midwifery workforce.
Most recently, following the publication of the Turning the Tide report, TPHC formed an advisory group of ethnic minority maternity leaders and worked with them to co-design and deliver two products to drive equity in London maternity services: a Fellowship, and an Anti-Racism Framework.
The impact of our work
The Fellowship aimed to help band 6 and 7 midwives from ethnic minority groups move into leadership roles. The results have been outstanding: 33% of Fellows moved into a more senior role during, or within three months of completing, the Fellowship.
The Anti-Racism Framework is being piloted across London and outlines nine initiatives maternity services should implement in order to be anti-racist, which range from making sure ethnic minority maternity staff are in leadership roles, to debiasing recruitment, to supporting the continuous professional development of ethnic minority staff.
“Thank you for the incredible work you have done with CapitalMidwife and I feel so strongly that my recent award is credit to you all. You are the most amazing bunch of clever, thoughtful, talented people, and without your work CapitalMidwife just would not have succeeded. Thank you for what you have done for maternity in London.”
Kate Brintworth, Chief Midwife for London
Find out more
Learn more about The Fellowship and Anti-Racism Framework on the Health Education England CapitalMidwife page.
Get in touch
To hear more about our work, or to find out how we can work together with you, email us at: