Transformation Partners in Health and Care > News and views > TCST launches new FutureNHS workspace

The Transforming Cancer Services Team for London has recently launched a new workspace on the FutureNHS platform to improve two-way communication with our stakeholders and provide an interactive forum for discussions on cancer services across our city.

The new workspace is open to anyone working across the NHS and within stakeholder organisations with a particular interest in improving cancer services.

Through the community, you’ll be able to stay up-to-date with the latest news about the London cancer system, hear about our upcoming events with early booking access, engage in topical discussions and gain access to information that falls outside of the public domain. You can learn about how we collaborate with our stakeholders across London and nationally as well as gain access to a range of support and resources from our workstreams listed below:

  • Cancer Intelligence (restricted access)
  • Cancer Waits Improvement
  • Diagnostics Optimisation
  • Early Diagnosis and Screening
  • Specialised Commissioning
  • Primary & Community Care Education
  • Personalised Cancer Care
  • Patient Experience

Click on the TCST FutureNHS link here to register for the new workspace.