Find information about how schools can demonstrate that their approach is improving behaviour and attainment.
Mentally Healthy Schools – Showcasing activity for Ofsted
The Mentally Healthy Schools website gives advice on the relationship between work on emotional wellbeing and mental health and the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skill (Ofsted) Framework.
The Showcasing activity for Ofsted section on the Mentally Healthy Schools website covers issues that Ofsted will be looking for during the inspection process. It describes how schools can demonstrate that their approach is improving behaviour and attainment.
Ofsted Annual Report 2017/18: education, children’s services and skills
The Annual Report looks at schools, early years, further education and skills and children’s social care for the academic year 2017 to 2018.
Ofsted’s findings are based on inspection evidence from around 30,000 inspections of, and visits to, schools, colleges and providers of social care, early years and further education and skills. The report also draws on findings from our research and analysis this year.