This page offers background information and links to guidance and research about local mental health improvement plans.
Influencing local commissioning
Mentally Healthy Schools gives guidance and information on the local processes for commissioning mental health services and how schools can get involved. Download their guide ‘Influencing local commissioning’.
Local transformation plans
The Five Year Forward View for Mental Health and Future in Mind are the key strategic documents that set out improvements for child mental health services across England. See Gov. guidance & key docs for more information. There is additional Central Government funding to achieve the ambitions of Future in Mind.
From 2016 to 2021, every NHS clinical commissioning group (CCG) must work with local authorities and other local partners on an annual local transformation plan. The plan is published on the CCG and local authority’s website each year.
The plan is approved by the local Health and Wellbeing Board. Contact your local CCG commissioner for child mental health to discuss how to get involved in the strategic commissioning arrangements that inform the plan.