The Community of Practice is a collaboration between Transformation Partners in Health and Care, NHS England (London Region) and the Central London Community Healthcare Academy. The purpose of the Community of Practice is to provide a forum for primary care, community and specialist cancer nurses and Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) to share learnings, collaborate and become an influential voice for change.

Throughout 2024, the Community of Practice will be running an exciting programme of face-to-face events and online webinars for primary care nurses, community nurses and AHPs with an interest in cancer.

Each themed event will feature talks from expert clinicians and other health and social care professionals, as well as providing opportunities for delegates to share learnings and discuss new ideas to improve the care delivered to patients across the cancer pathway.

Upcoming events

Recent events

UKONS Annual Conference: Community of Practice presentation
17-18 November 2023

Previous events

You can access presentations from the previous Cancer Community of Practice events here.