Personality disorders have been called the most misunderstood mental health condition. Now a team of people who have mental health and social difficulties commonly associated with a diagnosis of personality disorder, supported by Healthy London Partnership, is launching a campaign on Wednesday 25 May 2022 to raise awareness of a condition which affects an estimated 10-13% of the population, but which can result in rejection and stigma, rather than support.
The campaign centres on a series of podcasts, devised, produced and led by those with lived experience of personality disorder, to increase awareness and understanding, and raise hope regarding support and treatment options. In the first podcast, available from Wednesday 25th, three people diagnosed with personality disorders discuss what it is like to live with the condition.
On this page is a campaign toolkit including an article for your own publications/websites, a shorter article for websites and social media assets. The assets link to a web page which hosts the podcast and more information about personality disorders.
We hope you can use the resources on your own social media pages – using #UnderstandPersonalityDisorders – and with your own contacts and networks.