Videos (see links on right)
We have produced an animated video aimed at service users who have a mental health illness to describe how they can use DIALOG and DIALOG+ to help support them with their recovery.
We have also created a service user case study video to communicate the benefits of DIALOG for service users and carers.
Transformation Partners in Health and Care resources
Using DIALOG in measuring impact of Mental Health services
Using DIALOG in a meaningful way in Older Adult services
This document provides recommendations and best practice guidance that aims to standardise the use of DIALOG/+ in older adult services. This has been developed by clinical and transformation leads in London Mental Health Trusts, VCSE partners and Queen Mary University of London DIALOG researchers.
Using DIALOG data to understand population needs
This document provides practical examples of how DIALOG data can be used in different ways to understand the needs of your local population beyond ‘mental or physical health’. This document has been developed using DIALOG data from East London Foundation Trust (ELFT) in collaboration with Dr Rahul Bhattacharya, Clinical Lead, New Models of Community MH Programme, HLP / NHSEI.
Using DIALOG in an inpatient setting
This document provides recommendations and best practice guidance that aims to standardise the use of DIALOG(+) in an inpatient setting. This has been developed by Transformation Partners in Health and Care in conjunction with clinical and transformation leads in London Mental Health Trusts as well as those with lived experience.
Oxleas resources
Test Client DIALOG+ care plan
Colleagues from Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust have kindly shared materials they have developed to support their DIALOG implementation journey.
My Recovery Care Plan
A service user group at Oxleas were asked to review the existing Trust documents to take a view on how easy they were to read and use. Some alternative options were discussed and the care plan that was written in a letter format was chosen as it was considered to be more user-friendly. Physical health information can also be pulled through and printed with the care plan if required. An alternative easy-read care plan was also created with the help of the Trusts learning disability focus group for Trust information, using images to support the text.
East London Foundation NHS Trust (ELFT) resources
ELFT DIALOG guidance
Colleagues from East London Foundation NHS Trust have kindly shared materials they have developed to support their DIALOG implementation journey.
- ELFT DIALOG guidance update easy read extracted version
- ELFT DIALOG Plain English accessible CPA Paper Version
SLaM resources
A Service User Consultant at SLaM has developed a DIALOG leaflet.
What is DIALOG?
Service user vignette that highlights how DIALOG is used and its importance