Transformation Partners in Health and Care > Resources > Healthy London Partnership e-news: 9 October 2018



Our news

Ahead of World Mental Health Day tomorrow, we’re proud to announce that Good Thinking – London’s unique digital mental wellbeing service – has so far supported over 100,000 Londoners who’ve been looking for new and personalised ways to improve their wellbeing. In 2018, tools on hand to promote and manage your mental wellbeing are more dynamic than ever before, but it’s a bit of a minefield. Good Thinking finds Londoners who are looking for ways to tackle stress, anxiety, depression and sleeplessness and matches them to a selection of the best resources available. Good Thinking is there for all of London, help spread the word…Find out more



Praise for Thrive LDN

The London-wide movement to improve mental health has been named as an example of good practice for how to facilitate communication across services. The highlight comes from NHS Resolution’s ‘Learning from suicidal claims’ which published last month for World Suicide Prevention Day. The report cited Thrive LDN’s partnership working and collaboration with a range of partners across the capital, including the Metropolitan Police Service, British Transport  Police, Transport for London, London Ambulance Service, organisations associated with London’s railways and the Thames, NHS England and Public Health England (London region), third sector and academic partners, and importantly those with lived experience...Find out more



New tools for tackling London’s unique primary care challenges

Our Next Steps to the Strategic Commissioning Framework is hot off the press. The guide sets out the vision for strengthening general practice collaboration across London. It recognises that practices are all at different stages of collaboration and offers providers and commissioners tools they can use to identify where they’re at, plus advice for getting started, and building on or enhancing collaboration locally. It was developed in partnership with London’s clinical commissioning groups, the London wide LMC and overseen by the Primary Care Clinical Cabinet…Find out more



Highlighting good practice: children and young people’s mental health care in primary care

We’ve collaborated with UCLPartners on new good practice guidance. Our thanks go out to everyone who shared their experiences and the challenging work they’ve been doing to improve children and young people’s mental health care in primary care. It features examples of how primary care and early help enhances care for children and young people with mental health problems and has a separate literature review…Find out more



Piloting a unique primary care service for rough sleepers: Lewisham

In 2017/2018, NHS Lewisham Clinical Commissioning Group engaged with local residents and stakeholders to design and implement a pilot of a primary care service for people who are homeless in the borough. They’ve shared their experience of implementing this innovative service and the engagement involved…Find out more

Read all our latest news



In the news

HSJ: Quarter of CCGs fall below psychosis spend benchmark
Independent: ‘Tech tsunami’ putting NHS services at risk, GP leaders warn
GP Online: Government will hit ‘difficult’ 5,000-GP recruitment target, pledges health secretary
Guardian: Never exercise at rush hour: six ways to avoid air pollution
Guardian: PTSD rates increase in UK military personnel, research suggests
Times: Mental health services turn away one in four children referred for care.




Alcohol, drugs and tobacco: commissioning support pack
This guidance on smoking, drinking and drug misuse is produced for commissioners of tobacco control, drug and alcohol services for adults and young people. It aims to help develop joint strategic needs assessment and health and wellbeing strategies to reduce the harm caused by smoking, drinking, and substance use and misuse in both adults and children.

Approaches to better value: improving quality and cost
The NHS is increasingly focusing on how it can improve the value of its services, to deliver the highest quality health outcomes for patients at the lowest cost possible. This report shares learning and insight from three NHS hospital trusts that have developed organisation-wide strategies for value improvement.

Improving people’s health: applying behavioural and social sciences to improve population health and wellbeing in England
Academics, public health professionals, and representatives from funders and learned bodies have collaborated to produce this strategy, which will better enable the broad public health system to use behavioural and social sciences to more effectively reduce inequalities and improve the health and wellbeing of the population.

Making hospitals safe for people with diabetes
This Diabetes UK report has been developed through conversations with people with diabetes, diabetes inpatient teams, healthcare professionals working in hospitals and hospital managers. It highlights the challenges facing diabetes inpatient services and shows what should be in place in all hospitals.

Mental wellbeing, reading and writing: how children and young people’s mental wellbeing is related to their reading and writing experiences
This report explores the relationship between children’s mental wellbeing and their attitudes and behaviours towards reading and writing. It is based on findings from the National Literacy Trust’s eighth Annual Literacy Survey of 49,047 children and young people aged 8 to 18 in the UK

Watch out for…

10 October – A Celebration of World Mental Health Day 2018 at City Hall (Thrive LDN hosts)
29 October – Autumn Statement



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