Transformation Partners in Health and Care > Resources > Healthy London Partnership e-news: 17 July 2018

Transforming London’s health and care together

Our latest update about all the great work happening across the capital to make London the healthiest global city. Please share it with your colleagues and encourage them to sign up for alerts. If you have feedback on our stories or there are topics you want to hear more about please get in touch.

Our news

WINNER! Patient safety award: Handover process for voluntary mental health patients

We’re delighted to announce that our handover process for voluntary mental health patients in emergency departments, in partnership with the Metropolitan Police Service, took home the Best Patient Safety Initiative in A&E at this year’s HSJ Awards…Find out more

On the fast track to beating HIV

London became a signatory to the international HIV Fast-Track Cities Initiative in January 2018. It is an excellent opportunity for London to move further and faster in its HIV response. Since the signing event, the joint-signatories (Public Health England, NHS England, London Councils and the Mayor of London) have formed a kickstart group to deliver the objectives and Healthy London Partnership is supporting it…Find out more

Meet the new Secretary of State for Health and Social Care

Following the resignations of David Davis as Brexit Secretary and Boris Johnson as Foreign & Commonwealth Office, Matt Hancock became the Health and Social Care Secretary last week. Upon the announcement of Mr Hancock’s new position, he took to social media to say, “Really looking forward to joining @DHSCgovuk at such an important time for our great NHS. I can’t wait to get started”. We have a summary of his political background and biography…Find out more

Event today: Thrive LDN: Croydon Community Workshop

Croydon, Thrive LDN and the Mental Health Foundation invite you to a community conversation aimed at encouraging people to work together to improve health and happiness in the borough, 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm at Croydon Town Hall, Katharine Street, Croydon, CR0 1NX…Find out more

Discover storytelling sessions in Deptford and Kingston

We’ve partnered with Discover Storytelling for more Perfectly Norman storytelling sessions that help parents and children confront mental wellbeing topics. If you’re in the area (Deptford  28/07 and Kingston 04/08) come along…Find out more

Work for us

We are building a great team. We are looking for people who are committed to working together to make sure we create the best health and care services that enable people to live happier and healthier lives. Our current roles advertised are: Primary Care Workforce and Education Lead…Find out more

Read all our latest news

In the news

BMJ: CCG blocks GP at Hand’s request to expand to Birmingham over safety concerns
Guardian: Air pollution linked to spikes in hospital and GP visits
GP Online: Funding cuts lead to dramatic fall in prescribing of stop smoking products
HSJ: Hancock: I’ll defend ‘undervalued’ NHS staff
Pulse: NHS 111 boosts clinical input ‘to reduce pressure on GP practices’

In focus

Childhood Obesity: a plan for action (Chapter 2)

The government has published its plan of the actions it will take to tackle childhood obesity by 2030. It commits to halve childhood obesity and significantly reduce the gap in obesity between children from the most and least deprived areas. Part one of the childhood obesity plan was published in 2016.

Part two of the government’s Childhood Obesity Plan is more ambitious than its first. From part one, actions on sugar reduction have been successful in driving product reformulation – for example the Soft Drinks Industry Levy. Milk drinks may be added to the levy and there will be consultation on legislation to ban sales of energy drinks to children.

Action on calorie reduction continues. Industry is encouraged to reduce calories in popular children’s foods by 20% by 2024. With industry so far missing targets on reformulation progress, it threatens tougher action if it’s not met. A consultation on legislation to mandate consistent calorie labelling for the out-of-home sector (e.g. restaurants, cafes, takeaways) will take place in 2018.

There are robust measures curbing advertising and promotion of high fat salt sugar (HFSS) food and drink, including plans to legislate:
• banning adverts before 9pm and extending similar protections for the digital space
• banning location placement – for example, by check outs and at the end of aisles
• banning price promotion in retail and out-of-home settings – for example, buy one get one free and multi-buy offers.

Read our summary


Inquiry on social media and young people’s mental health and wellbeing
The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on social media and young people’s mental health and wellbeing has launched an inquiry into managing the impact of social media on young people’s mental health and wellbeing. The group will be hearing evidence, views and experiences from a variety of expert stakeholders as well as young people themselves.Mental health: how do you know your council is doing all it can to improve mental health
This briefing highlights the role that local government can make in the promotion of good mental health in individuals and communities. It sets out questions for local leaders to consider when planning services and key points for good practice.Making THE (Transport, Health and Environment) Link
This report highlights how transport impacts on the environment and health. It argues that sustainable transport policy can make a contribution towards the sustainable development goals and the Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme.

Public polling analysis of attitudes towards the impact of policies on air pollution
This analysis from Bright Blue aims to investigate the levels of public concern about air pollution, attitudes towards the current role and policies of government on reducing air pollution, and to test a series of policies which the government may wish to adopt in order to improve the UK’s air quality.

Understanding well-being inequalities: Who has the poorest personal well-being?
Analysis of the characteristics and circumstances associated with the poorest life satisfaction, feeling the things done in life are worthwhile, happiness and anxiety in the UK, from 2014 to 2016.

Work, worklessness and health: local infographic tool
This Public Health England tool includes a slide set with regional and local level data for each county or unitary authority in England. It aims to help local stakeholders raise awareness of work, worklessness and health issues, and embed them into policy planning.

Watch out for…

3 July to 11 October – Thrive LDN: Are we OK London?
8 August 2018 – Health and care explained: how the system works and how it is changing (King’s Fund)

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