Free online e-learning resources are available for primary care teams. All items listed are online modules unless otherwise specified. Resources are listed according to the Royal College of General Practice’s curriculum for children and young people.
Please share this information with your colleagues. If there are resources you think should be included on this list please get in touch with Eugenia Lee at
About materials listed
- BMJ: BMJ Learning offers eLearning modules on primary care that are free for members. Visit the BMJ website for free e-learning modules
- MOOC list: ‘Massive open online courses’ are available directly on the MOOC list website
- net: Courses offered via www.doctors.netrequire you register for a free account. Visit to find out more
- MIMS Learning: MIMS Learning provides over 500 free learning modules
More support material is available from these websites
- Paediatric pearls:
- Patient:
- The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
- British Association for Child and Adolescent Public Health:
Clinical areas
Common paediatric conditions
- Bronchiolitis
- Vomiting in infants
- Mini case series: a 4 year old with hip pain
- The discharging ear
- Autism spectrum disorder in children and adolescents
- Paediatrics in primary care: what not to miss
- 10 minute consultation: teenagers with back pain
- 10 minute consultation: the drooling child
- Ask an expert: Urinary Tract infection in infants and children
- Common problems in children 1: fever and respiratory conditions
- Common problems in children 2: abdominal conditions
- Chronic abdominal pain
- Common problems in children 3: urogenital conditions
- Common problems in children 4: neurological and musculoskeletal conditions
- Common problems in children 5: skin conditions
- Atopic eczema
- Management and prevention of rotavirus gastroenteritis in children
- Effects of vitamin D supplementation on bone density in healthy children: systematic review and meta- analysis
- Guideline focus: bronchiolitis in children (NICE)
- Guideline focus: gastro-oesophageal reflux disease in infants, children, and young people
- Idiopathic constipation and nocturnal enuresis in childhood: a guide to management putting NICE guidelines into practice
- Constipation
- Nocturnal enuresis
- Infantile haemangioma expresses embryonic stem cell markers
- Limp in childhood: a guide to diagnosis and management
- Management of infantile colic
- Managing recurrent chest infections in child
- Managing wheeze in preschool children
- Measles: diagnosis and management
- Non-responding lower respiratory tract infection: management in primary care
- Practice Pointer: How to assess eyes and vision in infants and preschool children
- Practical implementation tips: fever in children
- Quick tips: scarlet fever
- Quick tips: vitamin D and children
- Rational testing- investigating young adults with chronic diarrhoea in primary care
- Headaches
- Food allergy
Rare but serious paediatric conditions
- Brain tumours in Children Toolkit
- Fat- soluble vitamin deficiency in children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis
- Paediatric fibroepithelial lesions revisited- pathological insights
- Histological examination in sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI): evidence base for histological sampling
- The importance of genetic diagnosis for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
- Sudden infant death syndrome and advice for safe sleeping
- Tuberous sclerosis: diagnosis and management
The seriously ill child
- Bacterial meningitis: meningococcal septicaemia in children and young people
- Abdominal pain in children
- Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis in children
- Acute Rheumatic fever
- Acute surgical abdomen in children
- Easily missed: Kawasaki disease
- Easily missed: septic arthritis in children
- Febrile seizures
- Feverish illness in young children: putting NICE guidelines into practice
- Management of acute asthma in children
- The management of acute testicular pain in children and adolescents
- Paediatric air way problems
- Sepsis in Children
- Paediatric Life Support
Chronic disease management
Normal development and failure to thrive
- Antenatal and newborn screening- in association with the UK National Screening Committee
- 10 minute consultation: baby with an abnormal head
- Association of cerebral palsy with Apgar score in low and normal birthweight infants: population based cohort study
- The child born small for gestational age
- Clinical review- clinical management of stuttering in children and adults
- Developmental delay in children: how to do a basic assessment
- Failure to thrive in children
- Failure to thrive in infants
- How to do the infant physical examination at 6-8 weeks (baby check)
- Identifying and managing common childhood language and speech impairments
Mental health
- ADHD: a guide to management in adults and children: putting NICE guidelines into practice
- ADHD: a guide to recognition and management
- Childhood attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder
- Management of depression in children and young people: summary of updated NICE guidance
- Clinical management of the major presentations in CAMHS
- Managing the mental health of Children and young people with heightened vulnerability
- The impact of culture and religion on child mental health
- Understanding self harm and care pathways for children and young people
Psychological problems – for example bullying, school refusal, behaviour problems
Palliative care
- Able-Minded- Mental health and people with intellectual disability
- Brain Tumours in Children Toolkit
Referral: Health promotion – for example immunisation, nutrition
- Childhood immunisation
- Childhood obesity: a guide on diagnosis, prevention and management
- Vaccination
- Child nutrition and cooking
- Vaccines
- Very brief advice on smoking cessation
- Hounslow’s oral health promotion leaflet utilised by primary care staff during 1 year imms appointments for parents/carers: Oral Health promotion leaflet for GP practices
- One page guidelines for common conditions for primary care (adapted from Evelina guidance)
- Asthma in children
Non clinical areas
- Child protection
- When to suspect child maltreatment: putting NICE guidelines into practice
- When to suspect child maltreatment
Legal aspects relating to children and young people such as confidentiality and consent
Children in care / Children of parents with special needs, chronic illness, substance misuse, mental health problems / The unborn child-rights and responsibilities / Maintaining child focused clinical governance in the practice eg audit / Other
- Influence of definition based versus pragmatic birth registration on international comparisons of perinatal and infant mortality: population based retrospective study
- Methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MECP2) mutation is associated with disease severity in Rett syndrome
- Quality standards and samples in genetic testing