Resources for Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STP) to use to commission and deliver the 4 Point CCR Model in primary care for people living with and beyond cancer. It triggers the support patients reportedly need following a diagnosis of cancer, to self-manage to the best of their ability.
With support from the Transforming Cancer Services Team, London STPs and CCGs could develop local initiatives, using this toolkit and incorporating a Year of Care model or integrated care frameworks as outlined in the Five Year Forward View and NICE Multimorbidity: clinical assessment and management (NG56).
We know that people experience effects of treatment years after receiving it. It is for these reasons that for a large proportion of people who get cancer, it will become a long term condition that needs managing.
We also know that
- In the UK, cancer remains the leading cause of mortality (NHSE).
- 1 in 2 people born after 1960 will get cancer sometime in their lifetime (Cancer Research UK).
- In 2015, 209,500 people in London are living with or beyond cancer (diagnosed any time since 1995, PHE).
- In London and West Essex, its expected around 387,000 people living with and beyond cancer by 2030 (this estimate is based on 2010 prevalence, NCIN).
- Half (50%) of people diagnosed with cancer in England and Wales survive their disease for ten years or more (CRUK).
- Five-year relative survival for cancer is below the European average in England, Wales and Scotland (CRUK).
- 70% of people who have cancer, have at least one other long term condition (Macmillan).
- 25% of individuals had unmet physical and psychological needs at end of treatment (TCST)
- 47% of cancer survivors express a fear of their cancer returning (TCST).
- 15 months after diagnosis, cancer patients have 60% more A&E attendances, 97% more emergency admissions and 50% more contact with their GPs than a comparable group (NuffieldTrust)
- The 2016 National Cancer Experience Survey showed that London based CCGs fall considerably short of the best in England (and lag behind England’s average) on questions relating to the support patients received from their GP (NCPES).