New Care Coordinators
Welcome to your new role as a CC in London!
I am the Regional Network Manager for Care Coordinators across London. This is an NHSE funded post – my role is to organize peer support, learning and networking opportunities for CCs across London.
I have my ear to the ground in terms of how services are operating and the challenges Care Coordinators (CCs) are facing. This helps us to provide practical support like linking CCs up with each other and feeding back to NHSE where additional guidance and support would help.
Sign up to our monthly peer support, learning opportunities and general updates.
My door is always open. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any challenges, questions or suggestions you may have.
Rafif Mansour
GP, Salaried GP in Barnet, SPIN fellow working in collaboration with Barnet training hub to support Care Coordinators
Resources for New Care Coordinators
Please watch this information session for New Care Coordinators:
- The context of Care Coordinators in London, what is their importance for primary care and beyond?
- Practice, PCN and ICS structures – where you fit
- What support is available to you
- Care Coordinator work and role examples, top tips from a care coordinator
More resources
- The slide deck from the video presentation containing a wealth of resources is here.
- A lite version of this slide deck containing the key information is here.
- There will be a quarterly drop in session for new Care Coordinators to ask any questions from the London team, you will receive these invites when you sign up to the mailing list.
Explore personalised care:
- Personalised Care Team
- More about 3 ARRS roles
- Support for Personalised Care Workforce
- Support for the System and Personalised Care
- Our Team’s work
- Events
- Resource Centre
- The London Picture
- London Social Prescribing Partnership
Get in touch:
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