Regional Health and Wellbeing Coach Mentor for London
This role is creating and supporting a network of Health and Wellbeing Coaches while also supporting the scaling up and consistency of HWBC services across London. They are also supporting conversations with Primary Care Networks that are interested in embedding Health and Wellbeing coaches into their teams.
Regional Mentor for Health & Wellbeing Coaches: Caroline Haines
Sign up to receive support
If you are a Health and Wellbeing Coach or have them in your network, please complete this form or get in touch directly:
Temporary supervision offer
There are limited places available for short-term supervision support during February and March. The sessions are free and open to Health and Wellbeing Coaches who do not currently have access to supervision in their role.
You can book a place if you:
- Do not currently have access to supervision (those in SW London – I will let you know in the next few days about the alternative longer-term supervision offer starting early March)
- Are in a role funded through the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme in primary care.
- Will commit to attending supervisions sessions (a minimum of two) during February/March 2022.
- Will complete an evaluation of the sessions you attend.
How to apply
Places will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis. Please book your place as soon as possible, before sessions fill up. You can use the links in the table below to book your place directly with one of the Personalised Care Institute accredited providers of your choice.
Name of provider Booking links
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