Development offer for peer support
- Every Social Prescribing Link Worker, Care Coordinator and Health and Wellbeing Coach should have access to peer support as a way to connect with others in their role and have a space to share learning and challenges.
- This is outlined in both the PCN DES specification and NHSE Workforce Development Frameworks for each role.
- We have developed an offer to support boroughs or ICSs to deliver peer support for their local personalised care workforce. We can help local areas to:
- Identify who can deliver peer support in your local area
- Share some ways peer support has worked well and support you to think about what would work well for your local area
- Co-develop a peer support offer for your local area
- Co-facilitate your initial peer support session
- If you would like help in developing your peer support offer for the personalised care roles, please contact us.
- We can also share mapping of what peer support is happening for Social Prescribing Link Workers in your local area.
- Social Prescribing Link Worker Workforce Development Framework
- Health and Wellbeing Coach Workforce Development Framework
- Care Coordinator Workforce Development Framework