Care Coordination
Care Coordinators (CCs) are a key part of the multidisciplinary team within primary care networks (PCN). On this page you will find an overview of what the role entails, as well as range of useful resources.
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What do Care Coordinators do?
Care Coordinators work as advocates for specific groups of patients, such as people who are frail or living with severe mental illness. They support people to navigate their care journey and ensure those most affected by health inequalities can benefit from personalised care and support.
They coordinate information on patients at their GP surgery or surgeries and proactively find patients with complex conditions or needs who may benefit from extra support.
They are a main point of contact between these patients and the services involved in their care, supporting person centred decision making and streamlining information for both clinicians and the patient.
As part of this, a care plan is developed to address the patient’s clinical and non-clinical needs, which could involve referring onto a Social Prescribing Link Worker and/or a Health and Wellbeing Coach.
Referrals to Care Coordinators can be made from a wide range of professionals within the PCN, including doctors, nurses, social prescribing link workers or health and wellbeing coaches.
They can also be linked to care homes, where they support the care of residents by helping communication between the GP surgery and social care services as well as other agencies.
Main Care Coordination Resources:
If you are a Care Coordinator or Care Coordinators’ Manager, here you will find a wide range of information, resources and support available to you.
NHSE Care Coordinator Welcome Pack
This is a summary pack for new Care Coordinators. It will help you to find your feet in your new role. It will also point you in the direction of more detailed information that might be useful to you.
An induction guide for care coordinator workers in primary care networks.
Care Coordinators NHS Future Collaboration Platform
This workspace is intended for care coordinators to access and share resources, access up to date information and ask questions and share ideas via the discussion forums.
NHSE Care Coordinator role webinar slides
From the NHSE introductory webinar, these slides run through what personalised care is and provides practical tips to help new Care Coordinators in their role.
Care Coordinator recruitment pack final
NHSE have created these optional resources are provided to support PCN sin the recruitment or engagement of care coordinators – including templates for job adverts and descriptions, as well as personal specification and interview questions.
Related links
- Support for Personalised Care Workforce
- Support for the System and Personalised Care
- Meet the personalised care team
- View social prescribing case studies
Explore personalised care:
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