Digital Community Health Services
We establish priorities and align delivery of digital enablers across health and social care services linked to London digital transformation and aligning with COVID-19 recovery.
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How we achieve our outcomes
- Align delivery of digital enablers across health and social care, community and primary care services including shared care records access, remote monitoring and digital capability including workforce.
- Support the delivery of London Digital Community Health Services Programme Memorandum of Understanding commitments.
- Evaluate the impact of our work in partnership with regional Clinical Advisory Group.
How we work
The London Digital Community Health Services Programme launched in June 2021 as part of the national Community Transformation Programme. We are committed to ensuring that community health services are supported to deliver high quality safe and effective services that are digitally enabled, optimising the experiences and outcomes of service-users and those that care for them.
The first year of the programme has focused on building the foundations of the programme by:
- Identifying and engaging key stakeholders within London Integrated Care Systems
- Sharing information, resources, challenges and best practice
- Working collaboratively across organisations, programmes and teams at local, ICS, regional and national level
- Understanding the current status, gaps and priorities regarding Community Health Services and digital as an enabler
- Improving the visibility of community health through the submission quality data to the Community Services Data Set (CSDS)
- Understanding the opportunities and barriers to accessing clinical information at point of care and enabling Multi-Disciplinary Teams through digital solutions
- Ensuring that Community Digital Strategies are an integral part of ICS Digital Strategies
This coming year we will continue to solidify our intentions through a Digital Community Health Services regional strategy and support delivery of the NHS Operational Plan alongside local priorities.
Who we work with
The London programme brings together Community, Digital and Transformation leads from each ICS alongside community Providers, with the steer of two regional Community Clinical leads. We work collaboratively across organisations, programmes and teams at local, ICS, regional and national level.