Download our free health app designed for young people by young Londoners. NHS Go gets its information directly from the data that fuels NHS Choices but is organised differently using topics and articles that appeal to young people.

iPhone NHS Go at the Apple store

Android NHS Go at Google Play

Aimed at 16-24 year olds, NHS Go was first developed in 2016, after young Londoners told us they wanted better and easier access to health and wellbeing information. They can now use it to search local health services and find information on health and wellbeing, including mental health, sex and relationships, healthy eating and puberty.

It has had great success with over 67,000 downloads and 700,0000 page views to date. Top views are those for sexual health and mental health. An innovative social media marketing campaign using You Tube influencers and Facebook has been the basis of the successful marketing campaign.

NHS Go won the Patient Experience Network National Award for ‘Championing the Public’ recognising how well it was co-designed with young people.

Young people were involved in all stages of development and it is being promoted via social media by some of London’s best known young YouTube vloggers. Join in the conversation on Twitter using #nhsgo. We also have promotional materials, including:

From initial engagement with children and young people, watch our video below and see young people’s views about health services in London.