Homeless Health

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  1. Supporting the safe discharge of homeless hospital patients

    This guidance document outlines the latest developments in homeless hospital discharge, including the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 and the duty it places on hospital trusts, emergency departments and urgent treatment centres. With homelessness at record levels in London and hospitals under increased pressure over winter, this guidance document provides a checklist for use by staff […]

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  2. London homeless health needs assessment toolkit

    We have designed an interactive toolkit to support local authorities, clinical commissioning groups, and integrated care systems across London to conduct homeless health needs assessments. Helping you deliver integrated care Conducting a health needs assessment is key to developing and delivering integrated care. Local Authorities must do a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment of the health and […]

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  3. All Londoners have the right to a healthy mouth

    Poor access to dental services has a significant impact on the lives of people experiencing homelessness. Poor oral health commonly causes pain and suffering; dental pain can have a negative impact on mental and physical health and in some cases can cause people to use alcohol or drugs to control their pain. We have produced […]

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  4. Safeguarding adults who sleep rough in London

    Clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), NHS trusts, London Healthwatches, the police and other interested organisations, plus people who have experience of being homeless and volunteers and staff working in third sector organisations are invited to share their views on new guidance for safeguarding adults who sleep rough in London. The consultation on the guidance runs until 9 […]

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  5. Homeless health learning and resources

    Many local, regional and national services work to support the physical and mental health of people who are experiencing homelessness, including support with finding emergency housing and protecting anyone at risk of abuse, harm or neglect. NHS staff can support patients who are currently homeless by signposting them to services or putting patients in touch […]

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  6. More than a statistic

    This report tells the stories and experiences of healthcare from the perspective of people who are currently homeless across London. The findings of the report are presented in chapters relating to different areas of healthcare delivery. Many of the topics highlighted, and stories told, do however have cross cutting themes that can apply to other […]

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  7. Healthcare and people who are homeless – commissioning guide

    This commissioning guidance, revised April 2019, aims to support commissioners in London’s clinical commissioning groups to improve health services for people who are homeless.  It outlines 10 commitments for improving health outcomes for homeless people in London. Commissioners can use these commitments as guiding principles in their work to improve services. Each commitment includes ideas […]

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