Paediatric critical care in practice (PCCP)
An online e-learning portal of resources designed for London’s health professionals to use to develop their knowledge and achieve the quality of care set out in the London’s Paediatric Critical Care: Level 1 and 2 Standards.
Go to the e-portal: Paediatric Critical Care in Practice (PCCP)
PCCP offers health professionals across all of London’s acute paediatric hospital sites access to the same high-quality educational opportunities. It supports best practice paediatric high-dependency care and includes:
- a wealth of evidence-based e-learning modules
- supporting resources and sign-posting to additional sources
- quick reference guides.
PCCP is free to access and available on computers and tablets. The extensive resource library is also available on-the-go using mobile phones.
For more information about standards read Paediatric Critical Care: Level 1 and 2.