Transformation Partners in Health and Care > News and views > National informal discussion group for primary care: Personalised Care and Cancer

National informal discussion group for primary care: Personalised Care and Cancer

Transforming Cancer Services is hosting a discussion group to bring together primary care clinicians, commissioners, cancer personalised care leads and third sector colleagues. The focus of the group will be to discuss how primary care multi professional teams can provide personalised care for people living with and beyond cancer and improve the patient experience.

The group meets on a quarterly basis, and anyone with an interest in this area is welcome to join.

The sessions will be held over the lunchtime period and will feature presentations from key speakers with time for discussion afterwards. The aim of the group is to enable sharing of good practice and innovation in personalised cancer care.

The next event will be held virtually on the 28 March from 13:00-14.00

Guest speakers will be:

  • Mark Guymer, CEO of Cancer Support UK: the important role of a Cancer Coach for patients throughout post-treatment support
  • Mary Edwards, Project Lead at the Wessex Cancer Alliance: Cancer Toolkit for additional reimbursement roles in primary care

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