
Kensington & Chelsea

IAPT service used to offer a mother tongue service in Farsi and Arabic (2WTE) but it was not sustainable because it was very difficult to recruit to these posts, as staff needed to be IAPT compliant, fluent in one of these languages, and willing to offer therapy in that language.

Iranian Association work in Hammersmith & Fulham IAPT

Farsi-speaking therapist who was nominated by the local MP for a parliamentary award and was shortlisted to represent London in the mental health category: https://www.england.nhs.uk/2018/05/nhs70-parliamentary-awards-shortlist-revealed/.

Wandsworth & Merton

Offers 6 months IAPT Internship Programme which will support the work of qualified clinicians and Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners & community wellbeing practitioner in identifying local populations who are underserved and improving pathways for those populations and Provide outreach and drop-ins at various community events.

Tower Hamlets

Tower Hamlets IAPT service has a digital lead, who leads on digital therapy / optimisation and works with the operational manager to support publicity and online marketing in the service.


Has a Business Operations Manager- the JD is available here