London Webinars
The Healthy London Partnership (HLP) London Digital IAPT team and Thrive LDN produced a series of NHS Coping Well During COVID webinars to support Londoners with anxiety due to coronavirus. A second series called Keeping Well for Health and Care workers has also been developed. Each live webinar is 60-minutes long, led and delivered by Emily Gardner, High Intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, East London NHS Foundation Trust.
Webinar topics included managing wellbeing, anxiety, low mood and sleeping difficulties, as well as specific sessions on financial anxiety, working from home, wellbeing for ethnic minority communities, and mindfulness.
This London offer mirrored the webinars and digital resources developed by individual IAPT services during the pandemic, including the development of health chat platforms and workforce resilience hubs to support frontline and social care staff (Specific population groups: Health and Social Care Staff).
National IAPT Programme webinar series on delivering condition specific treatment during Covid-19
In response to Covid-19, the National IAPT Programme offered a webinar series on delivering services for specific conditions. During the third lockdown the same team delivered a series of webinars on post-COVID syndrome (previously known as ‘long Covid’).
Recordings and slide packs of these webinars, as well as other IAPT resources, are available via the National team – Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and Autism COVID-19 Response Cell – FutureNHS Collaboration Platform. Access to NHS Futures can be requested by those with an NHS email address.
This platform has also been utilised during the period of the pandemic to serve as a forum for discussion with national IAPT colleagues and to share good practice.